Burn Carbotox

1.500.000 VND

Two new related materials offer all ambitious players a new technology advance. Aratox and Carbotox fibres are incorporated in the production of DONIC BURN TOX blades – after the BURN technologies principle. Both fibres are softer and more elastic than their predecessors ARAMID (which has been replaced by ARATOX) and CARBON (replaced by CARBOTOX). DONIC has used the highest quality wood plies for this series. Thanks to their unique structure DONIC BURN TOX blades have good feel and are easy to use despite their apparent stiffness when striking the ball. We offer a precise model from the BURN TOX blade series for every allround and attacking player, just as we did with the BURN series, an OFF- and AR+ version. The BURN Carbotox is the stiffest and fastest blade of the trio of new DONIC blades and clearly belongs in the OFF category. The fine Mahogany outer ply paired with Kiri and Carbotox plies ensures speed and power for modern attacking table tennis.

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